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FWF supports a stand-alone project submitted by the Unit for Water Hygiene (Dr. Alexander Kirschner)

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has decided in its session from March 5/6, 2013, to support an important stand-alone project for microbiological research within the frame of the Joint Danube Survey 2013.

Title: Microbial faecal pollution patterns along large rivers
Total sum: approx. 200,000 Euros for 2 years

The project will be executed in the frame of the Interuniversity Cooperation Centre for Water and Health (ICC Water & Health), with the participation of all research groups. The insights from this study will lead to a better conceptual understanding and new predictive models of microbiological pollution in large rivers like the Danube. The bulk of data will be collected during the upcoming Joint Danube Survey (Aug – Sep 2013), the world's biggest river expedition.

The ICC Water & Health
is a Cooporation of:

Technische Universität Wien
Medizinische Universität Wien
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften