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44th IAD Conference at KL Krems

Participants on Day 1 of the 44th IAD Conference

Participants on Day 1 of the 44th IAD Conference at KL Krems, February 6-9, 2023

The 44th Conference of the "International Association for Danube Research" (IAD), held at KL Krems from February 6 - 9, was a great success. A total of 101 registered participants from 12 countries of the Danube River Basin attended the four days of the conference. We also particularly welcomed five Ukrainian colleagues who participated in personam in the conference as well as three who had sent video contributions for their topics. The participation of the Ukrainian colleagues was particularly gratifying, as the conference was originally planned in Kyiv, and due to the unacceptable war by Putin's Russia, it was taken over at short notice by the Department of Water Quality and Health at KL, supported by IAD and the Austrian Committee of IAD. The first day of the conference was themed "Pollution, Global Impact & Health," to which ICC Water & Health researchers contributed extensively. On the following days, the focus was on ecological aspects of the Danube, such as biodiversity, invasive species, river management and renaturation. The great importance of transboundary cooperation among scientists in our common river basin was particularly highlighted and visible. All information about the conference as well as the extensive Conference-book with all abstracts can still be found on the conference website of the Austrian Committee of the IAD.


The ICC Water & Health
is a Cooporation of:

Technische Universität Wien
Medizinische Universität Wien
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften