ICC Water & Health / ICC / KL - Water Quality & Health

KL - Water Quality & Health
Environmental Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics

The research group of Prof. Andreas Farnleitner is located at two institutions of the ICC Water & Health.

KL - Krems: Division Water Quality & Health
TU - Wien: FG Environmental Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics

The research group investigates microorganisms in natural and technological systems. The focus is on the exploration of the basic principles for a better understanding of microbiological water quality and the establishment/development of relevant diagnostic procedures. The application-oriented aspect is taken into account at all times.

The group is currentliy working on the following subjects:

  • Diagnostics/microbiology of microbial indicators and biomarkers
  • Microbial ecology of water resources
  • Analysis/management of microbiological contamination
  • Analysis/management of the microbiological quality of (drinking) water resources
  • Management of interdisciplinary projects in the field of water & health

The group is especially interested in the application and further development of biomolecular methods.

>> Members of the working group

In the fields of expertise related to molecular biology & genetic engineering, the group is in close scientific collaboration with Prof. Dr. Robert Mach.



The ICC Water & Health
is a Cooporation of:

Technische Universität Wien
Medizinische Universität Wien
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften